I, Maria Foster, am not a doctor.  The material that is presented here is not intended as a medical diagnosis or prescription.  Nor is it recommended as a treatment for medical emergencies and/or diseases.  When in doubt, seek the advice of a qualified medical professional.
As a Registered Massage Therapist and Certified PUSHSM Therapist, I am allowed to describe what I see and feel based upon my training. The material contained on this site is a result of my training and my experiences dealing with both my personal health issues and those of my clients.

If you have any reason to believe that, due to your personal medical history or condition, any approaches mentioned here could cause an existing medical problem to become aggravated or worse, then do not do them.

My intent is to provide useful, actionable information for readers of this website.  However, I do not have the advantage of seeing you in person, limiting the ability to customize a treatment plan or monitor your activities.  If unsure, seek clarification.
I want to thank you for letting me assist you in your quest for sustainable pain relief and improved health management.  I hope that I can play a valuable role.

– Maria Foster of Foster Muscle Therapy